
I remember in my younger days how, when reading fantasy novels, I would often turn a critical eye to the cover. Inevitably there would be a couple details that didn’t perfectly match the author’s description. Often it was an incorrect hair style, the wrong weapon, or a falsely colored dragon. I often wondered how this...

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The idea of editing used to terrify me. I always imagined my novel would be sent to the editor and come back different--no doubt better--but changed in so many little ways that it wouldn’t truly be mine anymore. Having to rewrite never scared me, but having to cut ideas from the story also sounded dreadful....

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We two boys, lost in suburbia. Nobody knows how I love you. Car parked two blocks down. Heart pounding hard in waiting. Barking dogs, ethereal train horns in the distance. My footsteps echo. Over the backyard fence like a thief, robbing the house of you. Steal away your affection, take away your loneliness, make your...

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