
Wanna get inside my head? There have been two interviews with me as of late, one of which that gives you the chance to win a copy of Something Like Summer. The first is here at Curious Queer, where I talk about homesickness, future releases, and being gay in Germany. The second can be found...

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My third novel, Hell’s Pawn, is nearing release. Rather than just reveal the cover art like I usually do, I thought it would be fun to show you all the stages we went through to get to the final product. Hell’s Pawn is a story that takes place completely in the afterlife. Not just Heaven...

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Imagine performing on stage, taking a bow, and staying bent over for years while waiting for a response from the audience. Will they applaud, or will they boo on their way out of the theater? In a strange sort of way, this is what writing is like. The first draft of Something Like Summer was...

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Language Lessons is here! This short story is a contemporary romance, and although not related to Something Like Summer in any way, fans of that novel will find much to enjoy here. At least that’s my hope. Grab this story while you can, because it will only be free for the next week. Here’s the...

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[caption id="attachment_1611" align="alignleft" width="225" caption="My challenging working conditions. Where's my dream study?"][/caption]When I was young I wanted to be a rock star. Or a hermit. More than either of those, I wanted to be a writer. I had a very clear image in my mind of how it would be. I’d shuffle to my typewriter...

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“Ever thought of doing a sequel?” This question is music to an author’s ears. So many of you wonderful readers (that possess exquisite taste, I might add) have been asking me what my plans are for future novels. Naturally the word sequel has been bandied about quite a bit. This is a tremendous compliment because...

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Arthur Interview

| Books

Wait, who's Arthur? Forget him! I'm the one that was interviewed! Danielle, who was already kind enough to review my book on her site ALPHA reader, recently asked me if I'd like to answer a few questions. Any time you ask an author if they'd like to talk about their books or themselves, you can...

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Or should I say “rewolfed” since this story is about a werewolf. [*crickets chirping*] Uh, anyway, back in October of last year, I released this free companion to The Cat in the Cradle, and never heard much back. I believe the most positive review came from my best friend, who described Flesh and Blood as...

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Thomas Edison once said “Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.” That ratio may work for an inventor, but I feel that artists are much more dependant on inspiration than that. Personally, I take inspiration from books I enjoyed while growing up, as well as relying heavily on the experiences of my past. I've...

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