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The Cat is back… with kittens!

| Books, Fantasy, Gay, Loka Legends

The Cat in the Cradle eBook and paperbackEr, I’ll explain the kitten thing in a bit. The most important thing is that the revised version of The Cat in the Cradle is now out! What’s so new and exciting about this? Well, for you eBook lovers, all of Andreas’s art is now included. That means twenty-five gorgeous illustrations that complement each chapter. Some are of exotic locations, others of strange or terrifying creatures—and if that’s not enough—there are even a few cute boys in there as well. The print version is also looking sharper than ever. The previous font was much too small. I suppose my former publisher wanted to save paper, which is a noble cause, but now the book is much easier on the eyes. That’s not the only way the layout has improved. I’ll spare you the details, but you should find the entire reading experience much more pleasant.

As for the story, I did another rewrite and had the book edited again to bring it up to par with my other releases. There’s even some new content! A few scenes have been flushed out, the story matured ever-so-slightly to get away from the Young Adult taboo that causes so many adults to tremble and flee. But wait, there’s more new stuff! Andreas designed a glorious fantasy map that covers the northern portion of the Five Lands. The southern map will be included in the second book.

That’s right! Now we’re finally to the kittens reference. The Cat in the Cradle is now part of the Loka Legends series. I wrote the second book earlier this year, and rarely have I ever been so excited about a project. For those that haven’t read the first book yet, much of it has to do with Dylan and Tyjinn and the love they feel for each other. I wanted to continue Dylan’s story and see where the growth he experiences in the first book would take him. I don’t want to give anything away, but believe me—if you don’t read the first book you’ll be missing out on an amazing sequel.

As always, buying options are to the right. You’ll find them below Hell’s Pawn, which is still king right now. Or you can learn more and read free chapters on the book’s product page. I hope you guys will join me for my first series. Something tells me it won’t be my last.
The Cats outside the Cradle