Pride High : Book 1 – Red

The Pride series is perfect for mature teenagers and nostalgic adults who enjoy sex-positive stories, realistic relationships, and gorgeous guys.

What’s it like growing up in the 90s? Let’s ask the students of Pride High:

Anthony Cullen: My life would be a lot easier if I wasn’t in the closet. And in love with my straight best friend. Do you think he’ll ever notice me?

Omar Jafari: I’m flunking out of most of my classes, but you know what really matters? A girl talked to me. And she’s like… insanely pretty! So maybe I should stop secretly hooking up with a dude.

Silvia Diaz: Listen, my parents are undocumented, so I don’t have time to worry about boys. Or girls. Or which I like more. Wait, this isn’t going to be published, is it?

Cameron Huxley: I’m ready to meet my soul mate. Whoever he is. And when we find each other, we’re going to come out and show the world what true love looks like!

Mindy Beaumont: Please tell me you’re going to publish this. I feel like I’m invisible. I’ve never even kissed a boy. Ugh!

Ricky Nishikawa: I’m starting freshman year in a new town. If that wasn’t bad enough, I keep getting picked on by a bully. And he’s really really hot.

Pride High: Book 1 kicks off a new series filled with LGBT voices, endearing friendships, and heartfelt romance.

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