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Ten Reasons You Should Read Hell’s Pawn

| Books, Gay, Hell's Pawn

1. Because one of the characters from Something Like Summer makes an appearance. Considering this book takes place in the afterlife, you can probably guess who. It’s just a small cameo, taking up about six pages, but it’s heartfelt and writing that scene felt like visiting an old friend again.

2. One of the main characters is an irresistibly sexy and charming demon. Another a scruffy Irishmen without a moral to his name. And then there’s the main character, who is searching for love and purpose, something we can all relate to.

Sexy Demon Rimmon

3. Sex in the afterlife! Have you ever wondered what it would be like, or if it’s even possible?

4. The book deals with the religious beliefs of different world cultures, and presents the information in a way that’s fun to read and easily digestible. Just think how smart and worldly you’ll sound at the next party you go to!

5. Because you’ve already read tons of boy-meets-boy books, and it’s good to branch out occasionally and try something new.

6. Hell’s Pawn is an award winner, landing a Rainbow Award for Best Gay Fantasy and an honorable mention as Best Gay Novel of 2011.

Rainbow Award Winner and thensome!

7. My prices are awesome. Most gay themed books cost twice as much as mine, if not more. That doesn’t mean I skimp on the editing or presentation. You’re still getting a professional product, just at a ridiculously cheap price. Plus, buying this book will help keep me alive and fed so I can write that book you guys have been clamoring for. You know the one!

8. All the good reviews at places like Amazon, or even Forbes.

9. It may be fantasy, but the settings and characters are contemporary, and there is plenty of gay romance and hot guys involved. In a sense, it’s only fantasy because it’s such a wild tale.
