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Something Like Stories: Volume 3 now out!

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Something Like Stories Three by Jay BellSomething Like Stories: Volume Three is out today, marking the end of the series. I’ve made that claim before, and at the time, I meant it. I was sad about the decision too, mostly because I knew I would never see Ben, Tim, Jace and everyone else again. I still get to write about them in the comic, and maybe I’ll do so again in future adaptations, but nothing can quite compare to living with them for the duration of a novel. That’s why I was devastated after writing Something Like Forever, but I consoled myself with the fact that I could still create little scenes, just to visit with those characters again, if need be. And I did. I kept hearing their voices and thinking of plots I never got around to realizing. So I slowly worked through my bucket list, made the rounds visiting everyone I needed to see, and at the end of it all, there was more than enough material to fill another book. Since then, the voices have grown silent. Contentment fills me rather than sorrow. I have no doubt that these characters will always be a part of my life—dear friends on the fringes of my imagination—but I believe I finally found my stopping point. Something Like Stories: Volume Three is that finale. When reading it, you’ll be able to do exactly what I did: You’ll take a tour through the history of the series, have a few more laughs along the way, maybe shed a tear or two, and then it will be time to say goodbye. I hope you end the experience feeling just as satisfied, although it won’t hurt my feelings if you’re sad and still want more. Maybe—just maybe—a little part of me deep down feels that way too. Mostly I’m happy to tuck this series into bed, making sure that it’s warm and cozy before I turn off the lights. Let’s all keep a nightlight on in our hearts though, okay? That’s where we’ll always be able to find these characters again, when we need them.

You can get Something Like Stories: Volume Three from here.