Listen up! Thunder is here!
November 4th, 2015 | Something Like Thunder, Storms Series
Something Like Thunder is out on audio. Already. Nathaniel isn’t the kind of guy to be kept waiting. Stand in his way and he’ll barrel right through you. He’s broody, grumpy, and constantly scowling. For some reason, I find that incredibly sexy. Maybe because these traits are predominantly masculine. As I hope you’ve already discovered in Lightning, Kevin R. Free—the narrator of these books—does an incredible job with Nathaniel’s voice. I’d say it’s exactly how I imagined him sounding, but to be honest, I think it’s even better. He captured the spirit of Nathaniel perfectly, and I found it a real pleasure to listen to. Don’t take my word for it! You can listen to the prologue and first chapter below, for free. And in case you missed the news, Something Like Stories is up for preorder. Please see the previous post for all the links! Oh, and if you’re already hooked on these audiobooks, you can buy Something Like Thunder from Audible, Amazon
, and iTunes. Thanks in advance!