
Short and sweet: You can help support gay homeless youth and get a bunch of new Something Like… stories in the process. We’re talking two dollars. You’ve got it. I’ve got it. If you honestly don’t have it, I still have some stories you can read for free. Stick around to find out more. There’s...

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Audio Origin Interview!

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Something Like Summer is a story of humble origins. Some guy who—quite frankly—had no idea what he was doing, scribbled the story down while blubbering his eyes out. Then he sent it around, got the cold shoulder, and turned to his husband for help. How the movie came to be isn’t so different. Something Like...

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Q and A with U and I

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[caption id="attachment_4446" align="alignleft" width="225"] Chicago. It's home now.[/caption] Hearts on Fire Reviews has very kindly invited me to do an interview on their site, and it struck me that in a way I’m always being interviewed. By you guys! I get a lot of wonderful messages from people who have read my books, many of...

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I grew up reading fantasy novels. One breed in particular appealed most to me. I loved stories about normal humans who get transported to a mystical land. Maybe they were searching for the back of a mysterious wardrobe, or perhaps they answered a classified ad that listed a magic kingdom for sale. Or maybe they...

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"Old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read." ~Athenaeus Who you callin' old? Andreas and I had quite the night out, but we survived to tell the tale. Think you know the answer to today's question? Email me with the goods!

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I’m ten years old! At least, Jay Bell the author is. Kind of. I actually started writing seriously in 2003 when I first moved to Germany. I think. The metadata of my earliest Word document claims I didn’t start until 2004, which might also be true. It’s confusing because there was a book and half,...

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There’s a wonderfully romantic notion that what authors do all day is write. That’s how it should be, and I like to think the world once spun that way, but not anymore. Much of my day is dealing with stuff. I’ll spare you the boring details, but essentially I need my books to get noticed,...

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[caption id="attachment_3854" align="alignleft" width="184"] He's sexy, Australian, a sniper, and is launching a drone to save animals. ... I'll explain later.[/caption]Note:This post is a year old, but all the charities are still kicking. The Cancer Research Institute is matching donations again, so I'm giving the same amount I did last year. Lately I’ve been asking...

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