The Blog

In three different ways no less! The Big Apple is one inspiring city, and to prove it, you have three mediums in which to relive our recent trip to New York. The first, good ol’ fashioned prose, covers what went down at the 2012 Lambda Literary Awards. I wrote a guest post over at Reviews...

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A long time ago, in a galaxy exactly like this one, I was a big fish in a very small pond. That pond was called Warrensburg, Missouri, and for a twelve-year-old, I thought I was hot shit. Then a job transfer brought my family to The Woodlands, Texas, a suburb just outside of Houston, and...

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So there’s this guy, and he takes a lot of slack from people. And then there’s this other guy, whose life kind of sucks. What they both want most is for things to change, because surely anything different would be better. Then comes the day they meet each other… Kamikaze Boys marks my second foray...

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Imagine, if you will, that someone about a year from now walks up to you and says “Hey, have you read the sequel to Something Like Summer yet?” And before you can answer, this person drops a major spoiler. You hate the bastard, and I do too, because they’ve ruined our fun. But what if...

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A New Kamikaze Cover!

| Books, Gay, Kamikaze Boys

By cupid’s diaper! It’s a brand new cover for a brand new book! This time Andreas and I wanted to do something a little different. I grew up reading fantasy novels, which means covers that are usually a scene right out of the story. Romance is a different genre and often there aren’t specific scenes...

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When Andreas and I went to a gay film festival last year, there was only one movie on the docket that sounded interesting: Judas Kiss. I wasn’t clear on the plot, but I caught the words “time travel.” I couldn’t imagine how that would play out in a gay movie. A pink police box? Or...

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