The Blog

[caption id="attachment_4016" align="alignright" width="168"] Please note that you can drag the image around when it's enlarged, which might help with visibility.[/caption]Who’s that handsome flight attendant looking dapper in his suit? Why it’s Jace Holden, astronaut of the stratosphere and lover of cats! When Andreas and I started discussing characters who needed better representation, Jace was...

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Well look who it is… Jason Grant, the homewrecker in search of a home. I’ve been missing him lately. I really admire the way Jason loves so passionately, how his affections burn so intensely. Some of my characters struggle with who they love, and if it would be morally right to pursue that person. Jason...

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Whatever you celebrate this season, and even if you don’t, I hope the end of your year is filled with happy memories and good company. Thanks so much for continuing to read about and care for the characters in my stories. I love you guys! Many greetings from Jace and Samson too! They’re quite busy...

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After a whirlwind of activity that I’m still reeling from, the Indiegogo campaign for the Something Like Summer movie finally came to a close. How did we do? With your help, $77,330 was raised, about a third of that in the last twenty four hours. The outpouring of support impressed a private investor so much...

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I won’t badger you about the movie in this post, because I’m sure by now, you’ve heard all the exciting details. If not just poke around on this blog. Let’s talk stories though, because this weekend is your last chance to get Something Like Fall. Simple as that. To reserve your copy, contribute to the...

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