
A long time ago, in a galaxy exactly like this one, I was a big fish in a very small pond. That pond was called Warrensburg, Missouri, and for a twelve-year-old, I thought I was hot shit. Then a job transfer brought my family to The Woodlands, Texas, a suburb just outside of Houston, and...

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Last week, a handful of people happened to ask why I decided to name Something Like Summer what I did. To me, this coincidence was the cosmos saying “Lucy, you’ve got some ‘splainin’ to do!” And explain I will. I’ve often said I’d rather write an entire book than a single synopsis. The same applies...

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It’s hard to pin down just when and where Hell’s Pawn took root in my mind. When I was a kid, Piers Anthony’s Incarnations of Immortality series introduced me to the concept of Purgatory and a contemporary take on the afterlife. I later made a study of mythology and religion in my teens which was...

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Thomas Edison once said “Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.” That ratio may work for an inventor, but I feel that artists are much more dependant on inspiration than that. Personally, I take inspiration from books I enjoyed while growing up, as well as relying heavily on the experiences of my past. I've...

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I totally jumped the gun when making this video last year, because it’s only now that Andreas and I are celebrating the big anniversary. Ten years ago today, I cornered Andreas in a bar and grinned my goofy grin at him until he agreed to go on a date with me. If I were a...

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