Hell’s Pawn

1. Because one of the characters from Something Like Summer makes an appearance. Considering this book takes place in the afterlife, you can probably guess who. It’s just a small cameo, taking up about six pages, but it’s heartfelt and writing that scene felt like visiting an old friend again. 2. One of the main...

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It’s hard to pin down just when and where Hell’s Pawn took root in my mind. When I was a kid, Piers Anthony’s Incarnations of Immortality series introduced me to the concept of Purgatory and a contemporary take on the afterlife. I later made a study of mythology and religion in my teens which was...

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Take off your pants and celebrate, because Hell’s Pawn is out! For me this means fame, fortune, and living solely off champagne and vegetarian caviar. For you, this hopefully means a couple days of edge-of-your-seat entertainment. What’s it all about, you ask? A dead guy. No, not a zombie or a ghost, but a guy...

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My third novel, Hell’s Pawn, is nearing release. Rather than just reveal the cover art like I usually do, I thought it would be fun to show you all the stages we went through to get to the final product. Hell’s Pawn is a story that takes place completely in the afterlife. Not just Heaven...

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“Ever thought of doing a sequel?” This question is music to an author’s ears. So many of you wonderful readers (that possess exquisite taste, I might add) have been asking me what my plans are for future novels. Naturally the word sequel has been bandied about quite a bit. This is a tremendous compliment because...

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