Something Like Summer in Chinese!
May 6th, 2015 | Books, Something Like Summer
How’s your Chinese? Whatever you answered, I promise you that mine is worse. That’s a shame, considering that Mandarin is the world’s most prominent language. That’s why I’m thrilled and flattered that some very dedicated individuals teamed up to translate Something Like Summer into Chinese! I love the idea of this story and the characters reaching a wider audience, and that by no means should be restricted to the English speaking world. Unfortunately, I don’t have a clue how to break into the Asian publishing scene. If a publisher from there wants to approach me, great. Until then, I’m happy to offer this fan translation for free. You can distribute it too. Share it with friends, families, or strangers. Just don’t sell it. That wouldn’t be cool. You can download it below. Or if you’re handier with Italian, German, or French, please pop over to my foreign editions section. Many options await you there with more on the way! Special thanks to DoraW, flysex, micrian, and tedsaga for working so hard on getting this translation done. You guys rock!
Oh, one more thing. It’s hard for me to judge if the files converted properly, so any feedback you can provide would be highly appreciated. Just be sure to let me know what file format you are reading when reporting any problems.